
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Sacred and Profane: from the Involutive Theory of MCMC to Helpful Hamiltonian Hacks
    Glatt-Holtz, Nathan E., Holbrook, Andrew J., Krometis, Justin A., Mondaini, Cecilia F., and Sheth, Ami
  2. MORJ
    A Framework for Using Priors in a Continuum of Testing
    Sieck, Victoria R.C., Krometis, Justin A., and Thorsen, Steven
    Military Operations Research 2024
  3. TMA
    Parallel MCMC algorithms: theoretical foundations, algorithm design, case studies
    Glatt-Holtz, Nathan E, Holbrook, Andrew J, Krometis, Justin A, and Mondaini, Cecilia F
    Transactions of Mathematics and Its Applications 2024
  4. RS
    Uncertainty Quantification in Data Fusion Classifier for Ship-Wake Detection
    Costa, Maice, Sobien, Daniel, Garg, Ria, Cheung, Winnie, Krometis, Justin, and Kauffman, Justin A.
    Remote Sensing 2024
  5. ITEA
    Dodging Pitfalls in Packages for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    Krometis, Justin, and Snyder, William
    The ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation 2024
  6. NEJ
    Maximizing the Use of Data to Make Winning Decisions in the Face of Finite Resources
    Risher, Kyle, Wolodkin, Daniel, Krometis, Justin, Sieck, Victoria, Freeman, Laura, Werner, Jeremy, and Hobson, Sandra
    Naval Engineers Journal 2024
  7. GJI
    A tale of two faults: Statistical reconstruction of the 1820 Flores Sea earthquake using tsunami observations alone
    Paskett, T, Whitehead, J P, Harris, R A, Ashcraft, C, Krometis, J A, Sorensen, I, and Wonnacott, R
    Geophysical Journal International 2024


  1. AAP
    On the accept–reject mechanism for Metropolis–Hastings algorithms
    Glatt-Holtz, Nathan, Krometis, Justin, and Mondaini, Cecilia
    The Annals of Applied Probability 2023
  2. IP
    A statistical framework for domain shape estimation in Stokes flows
    Borggaard, Jeff, Glatt-Holtz, Nathan E., and Krometis, Justin
    Inverse Problems 2023
  3. CAMWA
    A numerical comparison of simplified Galerkin and machine learning reduced order models for vaginal deformations
    Snyder, William, Anaya, Alex Santiago, Krometis, Justin, Iliescu, Traian, and De Vita, Raffaella
    Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2023


  1. MAKE
    Improving Deep Learning for Maritime Remote Sensing through Data Augmentation and Latent Space
    Sobien, Daniel, Higgins, Erik, Krometis, Justin, Kauffman, Justin, and Freeman, Laura
    Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 2022


  1. JGR
    Methodological reconstruction of historical seismic events from anecdotal accounts of destructive tsunamis: a case study for the great 1852 Banda arc mega-thrust earthquake and tsunami
    Ringer, Hayden, Whitehead, Jared P, Krometis, Justin, Harris, Ronald A, Glatt-Holtz, Nathan, Giddens, Spencer, Ashcraft, Claire, Carver, Garret, Robertson, Adam, Harward, McKay, and others,
    Journal of Geophysical Research 2021
  2. Embracing Uncertainty in “Small Data” Problems: Estimating Earthquakes from Historical Anecdotes
    Krometis, Justin A, Ringer, Hayden J, Whitehead, Jared P, Glatt-Holtz, Nathan E, and Harris, Ronald A
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.07797 2021
    The demographics of SDWA compliance in Virginia community water systems
    Marcillo, Cristina, Krometis, Leigh-Anne, and Krometis, Justin
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021


  1. AAP
    On Bayesian Consistency for Flows Observed Through a Passive Scalar
    Borggaard, Jeff, Glatt-Holtz, Nathan, and Krometis, Justin
    Annals of Applied Probability 2020
  2. JUQ
    A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Background Flows from a Passive Scalar
    Borggaard, Jeff, Glatt-Holtz, Nathan, and Krometis, Justin
    SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2020


  1. JCP
    GPU-Accelerated Particle Methods for Evaluation of Sparse Observations for Inverse Problems Constrained by Diffusion PDEs
    Borggaard, Jeff, Glatt-Holtz, Nathan, and Krometis, Justin
    Journal of Computational Physics 2019


  1. Thesis
    A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Background Flows from a Passive Scalar
    Krometis, Justin


  1. TRB
    Site considerations for points of dispensing after biological terrorist attack: integrated role of transportation planning and medical services
    Ma, Yongchang, Willauer, David, Krometis, Justin, Sen, Atri, and Baccam, Sid
    Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2011


  1. EPL
    Will jams get worse when slow cars move over?
    Schmittmann, Beate, Krometis, Justin, and Zia, Royce KP
    Europhysics Letters 2005


  1. Thesis
    Lane preference in a simple traffic model
    Krometis, Justin